There is a great tract of land that runs along the Little Tennessee River purchased by The Nature Conservancy known as "The Needmore Tract", a favorite place for me to spend time. Close to home and is the collective name for multiple parcels totaling 4,400 acres on a 27-mile stretch of the Little Tennessee River between Franklin, NC and Fontana Lake. The largest parcel, 4,000 contiguous acres, consists of 3,400 acres in Swain County and 600 acres in Macon County. Biologists call Needmore, which straddles the Little Tennessee River, one of the most threatened and biologically important areas in North Carolina because it represents one of the last remaining Southern Appalachian river systems with viable populations of native aquatic species. The properties are home to outstanding biological resources, including two federally endangered mussels, the Appalachian elktoe and the little pearlywing, as well as an endangered plant, the Virginia sweetspire. The Little Tennessee River supports populations of four federally-listed and 12 state-listed species of animals and plants. The area is also rich in cultural history.
Personally, I have always loved the drive along the river which can only be done at a nice slow pace, as well it should be. I saw my first "wild" Eagle in North Carolina along this stretch of the river, something I thought I would never see here in the south, as I always considered Eagles to be more to the West. Much to my delight this beautiful Eagle was hunting the river and I managed to get out of my vehicle and hoof it up the dirt road about 100 yards to where he had landed. He didn't stay long, but long enough for me to get his photo.
Another great experience was the "puddling" of several butterflies alongside the river most of which were Swallowtails but there were a couple of different species gather in there as well.